We Cater For Everyone – Italian Style – Made in Italy

Staycation in Florence
The regional capital of Tuscany – Firenze – is more commonly known to us as Florence. It is renown for its influence on high culture; being an epicentre for historical art….
A Virtual Journey to Puglia
The southern region of Puglia (Apulia in Italian) forms up the heel of famous ‘boot’ on the map of Italy. It’s renown for its coastlines and….
A Sicilian Staycation
We have landed in the biggest island in the mediterranean! Like much of Italy, it boasts archaeological ruins, incredible natural sights and delicious food….
Visit The Amalfi Coast
This idyllic stretch of coastline is loved for its lush green mountains that fall into the crystalline Mediterranean waters, and all the pastel-coloured towns that are….
Sardegna Staycation
More commonly known as Sardinia, this island is considered a gem of the mediterranean. It has its own ancient culture different to Italy, so you can expect the food….
Napoli Staycation
Ciao couch travellers! Our time in Anzio has come to an end, and we continue on our Italian tour down the west coast to the famous city of Napoli….