We Cater For Everyone – Italian Style – Made in Italy

White Wine Day
Vino Bianco – this beloved drink takes many forms, but its most famous kinds that originated in Italy would be Moscato and Prosecco. However, Italy now produces….
Lasagna Day
Pasta, tomato and cheese – this is a favorite and foolproof combination that has withstood the test of time. How could it get better? When those ingredients are made….
Staycation in Cinque Terre
Ciao again digital tourists! This past week we’ve been exploring the Italian fashion capital, but it’s time to catch a train back to the Mediterranean sea. We’ve arrived….
Welcome To Milano
We had a magical stint in the floating city, and now it’s time to catch a train into the hustle and bustle of the Italian design capital – Milano….
Staycation Adventure in Venezia
We’ve loved exploring the red city of Bologna this past week, but now we’re on a train straight to what feels like another world. Venezia …..
A Virtual Journey to Bologna
This week we’ve reached Bologna, a hub of history and food. For this stop, we travel as locals, not tourists. La Rossa – the red – is the famed nickname….